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The Last Butterfly

A fragile short animated film that hopes to break your mind and open your heart.

This is an emotional story, born from tragedy, that shines a bright yellow light on a dark subject - the relentless stream of violence against children worldwide.


Based on a poem written by Pavel Friedman, a young man caught in the gears of war and murdered for nothing more than being born Jewish. The film illuminates the innocence and fragility of children from the perspective of gentle and simple butterfly.


Through the journey of the film we are helpless bystanders witnessing a perpetually escalating scenes of threats and violence put upon our fragile and innocent hero, leaving us to consider the impact of our actions on those who are similarly helpless.


I hope to disturb you enough to act.

the film

The Origin

A simple but powerful poem written against the backdrop of horror.

The last, the very last,

So richly, brightly, dazzlingly yellow.

Perhaps if the sun's tears would sing

    against a white stone. . . .

Such, such a yellow

Is carried lightly 'way up high.

It went away I'm sure because it wished to

    kiss the world good-bye.

For seven weeks I've lived in here,

Penned up inside this ghetto.

But I have found what I love here.

The dandelions call to me

And the white chestnut branches in the court.

Only I never saw another butterfly.

That butterfly was the last one.

Butterflies don't live in here,

    in the ghetto.

The story

The Story

If we've done our job then people will say "it's hard to watch, but too important not to."

The Last Butterfly features the short journey of fragile yellow butterfly, as the hero that personifies the innocence of all children. We follow his silent journey that begins with freedom and friendship, and continues to transition through an ever darkening series of threats and violence.

Forcing themes of friendship, trust, and love thrust into a world of bullying, violence and even death, The Last Butterfly draws us in with it's innocence, but in the end up forces us to reflect on the impact of the violence inflicted on the most innocent among us.

We're introduced to our hero against a late autumn afternoon sky and as we follow his journey he discovers and embraces another innocent butterfly. Caught off guard in their play, together they are thrust into an escalating series of threats that culminates in the dark and cruel heart of the Nazi ghetto of Theresienstadt. 

The Crew

The Director

My name is Aaron Lee.
I've never made a film. I am not a victim of violence. I am a father of three amazing and happy children. I am not even Jewish. So why me and why this film? 

In 1990 I was in a college airbrush illustration class taught by my favorite teacher ever, Gary Tepper. He handed out copies of a poem about a butterfly written by Pavel Friedman, a young Jewish boy that was discovered in a concentration camp after the end World War II. As I read the poem I felt like I had been punched and the air knocked from my lungs. I could barely imagine the depth of sorrow and helplessness that inspired the words I had just read. I went home and produced a woefully insufficient illustration that simply didn't do his words justice.


Years later the poem still haunted me. I have always felt compelled to share his poignant and emotional words with many more people. Often I have considered his plight, murdered for being born into a Jewish family, and the countless other children who met his same and senseless fate. Recognizing that his story was just a single expression of so many more children who have been victims of horrors and violence was the spark that lead to the concept for this film.


When I considered his poem from the perspective of the butterfly I suddenly realized that a butterfly was the perfect embodiment of the fragility of children.


Want to join the crew?

Every great film needs a great crew to help bring it to life and this one is no different. I'm looking to organize a passionate team of creative professionals who are inspired and motivated to help The Last Butterfly take flight. Is this you?

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